I’d like to believe in myself, but … I’ll settle for just doing it—just writing, just reaching out to other writers and readers, just editing, just showing my writing to others. Just the next thing.
I’m retired, so theoretically, I have no time problem. However, I have writer’s block. And I’m seventy-two; I have no time to waste, but I’m reluctant to sacrifice well-being for more writing time. Meditation, exercise, three on-time meals, and sleep were far less important when I was younger–or they seemed so.
Bottom line: If I wait until I believe in myself to write, I’ll have a long wait. In fact, I’ll be dead. I can’t think about the whole thing too much, or even imagine too much. I find imagining snips from vlogs helpful, especially those segments of typing at breakneck speed. Fun!
When November comes, I hope I can create a workable plan and plug away on my novel, neither over-thinking nor cleaning house instead.